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Nov 2019 - Dec 2019

This collection was created during a seven week stay at Kopan Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal.  The works are influenced by the concepts explored over a month-long course on Tibetan Buddhism and the following week-long retreat there.


Feb 2021

Custom commission for Andrea Auten.  The writer in her sacred space, words pouring from her heart onto the pages.  She is surrounded by candle flames to symbolize the gift of creativity she gives to the world, like a single candle that can light a thousand flames.  The equal signs represent her worldview against discrimination and for equality.

Enjoy your custom mandala, Andrea!

P.S. Credits for the writing in this piece go to a caption on one of your Instagram posts, perhaps you will recognize it...

A bit of a peek into the creation of this piece.  Made in a village in Nepal while we are constructing a new house in our backyard (explaining the background in the photo to the right).  This was made in a one day 6-hour inspiration burst!  I had so much fun creating this for you.

(Quick disclaimer: the shirt I am wearing in the photo to the left was made in Nepal, not with the company connected to my website.  There is quite a quality gap between them, haha!)

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