Nov 2019 - Dec 2019
This collection was created during a seven week stay at Kopan Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal. The works are influenced by the concepts explored over a month-long course on Tibetan Buddhism and the following week-long retreat there.
Mar 2021
Custom commission for Skip Shuda. An exploration of spirituality through symbols and fractals. The intersecting circles encapsulate the intersection of traditions and beliefs, especially those of PMT shamanism. The roaring fire indicates the "torch of justice and equity"and the fervent spreading of harmony in the world.
Enjoy your custom mandala, Skip!

A peek into the creation of this piece. I truly had such a good time making this for you. I loved learning about PM shamanism and playing with the compass in new exciting ways. Made in a village in Nepal; as you can see in the right photo, the baby buffalo loved it!
I hope you do, too!